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To be clear a girl like me will NEVER look at a fucktard like you! You are literally so below the level of my league it’s incredible! No, I don’t want you to buy me a drink. No, I don’t want to have dinner with you. No, I don’t want to go for coffee sometime – In fact I don’t even want to think of a world in which a loser like you actually exists. Consider yourself rejected loser but I’m not even done with you yet! I’m gonna make sure you never have the guts to talk to a hot girl ever again! Basic girls are too good for you let alone glamourous Alpha females like me. Where the fuck do I start with you? Your physical ugliness? Your totally unattractive submissiveness? Your pathetic lack of a bulge between your legs? You have so many things a mean hottie like me can pick on! Just from the unconfident way you stammered and stuttered as you tried to get my attention, I can tell girls like me totally intimidate you. You’re weak, pathetic and the complete opposite of what beautiful popular girls like me want in a man. Y’know girls like me can tell you’re a feeble let-down in bed just by looking you up and down? Yeah, we can – we can tell you’ve got a small cock, that you’d cum too quick, that you have no stamina, and that you prefer to be dominated. Eugh! We know you’re a loser even before you open your mouth – We’re actually laughing about you from across the room before you pick up the courage to stutter something. We’re flirting with you and teasing you and smiling over at you just to lure you over. All we want to do is shoot you down in the most humiliating way! Destroying your loser ego is such a fun game for us!
Date: May 4, 2020
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