Hi honey! Iu2019m making this video to let you know the good news: Iu2019m virus-free and doing great. I do miss you though; itu2019s such a shame that this whole thing started when you were on a business trip and now youu2019re sick and made to stay in quarantine, alone in some hotel somewhere. It really seems like weu2019re going to be stuck apart from one another for a long time, baby. And youu2019re not here, and you know that I have certain needs, and well, those needs have never really been met by you in the past, so this is really nothing new, but... Do you remember my ex, honey.. the one who has a huge cock and would fuck me for hours, making me cum over and over again? He tested negative too. So I thought maybe he could come over, you know, to keep me company while youu2019re away. Weu2019re going to isolate together; haha! Oh honey, donu2019t be mad. I know you donu2019t feel well but that shouldnu2019t keep me from enjoying this time apart. :) ,