You’re living under my roof as an exchange student from China. I come in to have a chat with you. You’ve been paying rent early and leaving gifts along with the check. It’s quite apparent that you’ve developed feelings for me. I’m sure you’ve noticed by now, I have a dick. Men typically don’t like that so we can never be together. Your tiny little Asian dick starts to grow at the confrontation. I notice this and immediately push you onto your bed. Does this turn you on? I whip out my massive erection and put it in your face. Is this REALLY what you want? I then stick myself into your asshole, pumping away at you, us giving in to our desires. I encourage you to masturbate while I fuck you but after a while I take matters into my own hands and jerk you off onto your stomach. I continue pumping my fem-cock into your ass until we cum together! I think I am starting to care for you too… I really think this could work out.
Date: May 2, 2020
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