There is something within you that has been in your mind for as long as you can remember. But you never really understood it, did u? You know exactly what I’m talking about. Instead of being dressed like a man, here you are in pretty little panties, stockings, heels, a long wig and some make up. Before you knew the proper terminology for your identification, you were just a confused boy, weren’t you? I know u would sneak in your mom or your sister’s closet and steal her clothes and put on her makeup long before u even knew what you were doing. I’ll bet you even got caught and it made you stuff that idea deep away in your head, but you could never escape from it, could you? It would grow throughout the years and get more and more extreme. In high school you would steal your girlfriends’ panties and put them on. You couldn’t resist these urges. You have had this within u all along before you knew that you were a man who craved feminization, that craved to feel like a woman.Look at all the obstacles you had to face to become the manly woman you are now. Because underneath all of those clothes is that boy who grew to be the woman that you are today. You have come such a long way. Now you buy your own girly clothes. You go to your vanilla job
Date: July 28, 2020
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