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Look at me, I'm absolutely perfect. I look hot as fuck in this little yellow outfit. You're fucking obsessed with me and I have raised your standards for women so high that you will never reach them. And so you will never be satisfied with a woman who isn't as hot as me. You'll never be satisfied with anyone who isn't me. And since you'll never have me, then you'll never have anyone. You'll be single forever.Your standards are way too high, you only like girls that are completely out of your league. They have to look like me, it has to be me. You can only be sexually satisfied by me. I give you what you want, I feed your fetishes. If any other woman knew the things I do, well she'd think you were a freak. I don't judge you for your fetishes. I indulge you. And I'm always here for you to get release from. No one will ever compare to me. And that means that you'll never be satisfied in real life. You'll be lonely and single forever, that's how your life is going to go.And even if by some chance you do find someone, let's face it, you'll never let someone come between me and you. You will never let someone who doesn't measure up to me get in the way of our relationship. I am your perfect woman but you'll never have me in real life, yet you never want to give me up. You're addicted to me, every time you jerk off it's to me. So you will never let some inferior woman come in between us. And I will never let that happen either.I cannot have another woman coming into the picture and taking what's mine. You know that I deserve everything you have. And you know that no woman will treat you like I do, no one will ever understand you the way I do. Just accept it. No one will ever compare to me. No girlfriend, no wife, only me. You'll be single forever because no one compares to me. No girlfriend, only Goddess. Say that over and over again to yourself.
Date: July 28, 2020
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