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Best enjoyed in a dark surrounding with headphones on, contains binaural beats, and hypn0tic visuals. This is intended for fantasy, but if addiction occurs, you have been warned. Pump, pump, pump for Princess. Feel your mind slowly altercate what truth is, and what you believe reality is. Feel it shift, convert, corrupt your brain and each thought that you create. Pump, pump, pump, feel the bl0od rush to your cock, it throbs, it aches, you can't take your eyes away from the screen. Princess is reprogramming you, tainting your perspective, eliminating anything and everything that doesn't involve Angel... Keep stroking, as long as you're stroking, all is well. As long as you have a grip on that cock, and you keep pump, pump, pumping, you'll find that sweet spot of absolute serenity, total and complete pleasure. Let Goddess guide you, focus on the screen, become my helpless, mind fucked puppet. You don't even realize what I'm doing to you at this point, drinking away your vitality, your ca$h, making your balls ache, full of cum, you're ready to blow your load, yet you hold it, just on the cusp of orgasm because you understand that something much better is coming, something far greater, pump, pump, p u m p. You are a slave, chained by the very thing you're addicted to, me, and stroking that cock, pump, pump, pump. I'll drain you, of everything I possibly can, and now that your willpower is non existent, now that I have you exactly where I want you, I'm going in for the dispose. Forever my stroke drone, forever my ATM, forever mind-fucked. Pump for Princess.
Date: July 26, 2020
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