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HumiliationPOV – The More Sissy Mindwash Videos You Watch, The More Of A Sissy You Become – Forced Bi – Coerced Bi, Brainwash
Hello sissy, I am glad you are here, you are glad you are here too, aren’t you sissy? It’s ok to be here. You are happy now. It’s ok to relax now. It’s ok to listen. It’s so good to listen and be happy and relaxed. It feels so good to listen. It feels good to let go and be happy. It feels wonderful to feel heavy now. Watch the screen and be happy. Listen to my voice and relax.Watch the screen and relax deeper. Watch the screen and sink deeper. Watch the screen and let go of everything you are. Watch the screen and let go of everything you know. Sink deeper and let go and listen to my voice and sink deeper and watch the screen. Sink deeper. Let go of everything you are. Let go and sink deeper. Relax and sink deeper. Let go of everything that makes you, you. It’s exciting to let go and sink deeper. Let go of everything that makes you awake. Let go of everything that makes you aware. Let go of everything that makes you think. Focus on my words. Watch the screen.Repeat the following in your mind. Think the following. ‘I am letting go. I am sinking. I am heavy. I am a s l e e p. I am sinking deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper. I am letting go.’ Now s l e e p.Your mind and body are feeling so tired now. So very s l e e p y and relaxed. Your mind is so empty. You are sinking deeper and deeper. You are too tired to think. You are blank. You are listening. Deep s l e e p. You are so open now. Open and listening. Let go of everything. Focus on my words, focus on my voice.Think the following: ‘I am a sissy. I want to be fun. Sissies are sexy. I like to be sexy. Sissies are happy. I want to be happy. Sissies are silly. I like to be silly. Sissies are free. I want to be free. Sissies are relaxed. I like to relax. Sissies are wanted. I like to be wanted. Sissies are liked. I want to be liked. Sissies are dumb. I like to be dumb. Sissies are blank. I want to be blank. Sissies love to be used. I want to be used. I am a sissy. I am becoming more sissy.’‘The more sissy mindwash videos I watch, the more of a sissy I become. I am a sissy. I am becoming more and more of a sissy every second. Every thought I have is about becoming a sissy. The more I think about being a sissy, the more of a sissy I become. The more I resist becoming a sissy, the more of a sissy I become. The more I think about cock, the more of a sissy I become. The more I think about sucking cock, the more of a sissy I become. I am a sissy. I am a girl. I will awaken as a sissy girl. I am a sissy girl. I am waking up now a sissy girl. I am awake now, I am a sissy girl.’
Date: July 25, 2020
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HumiliationPOV – The More Sissy Mindwash Videos You Watch, The More Of A Sissy You Become – Forced Bi – Coerced Bi, Brainwash