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HumiliationPOV - You Are Already In Porn Trance, Porn Has Programmed You That Way
Studies show that after just 60 seconds of watching tv, your brain enters the alpha wave state, associated with dreaming. Porn is much more powerful than tv. It takes no time at all for you to go into trance. There is no need for hip no tic inductions or trigger words. You are already deeply mesmerized, whether you know it or not.Surrender to the power of porn while you fixate on your screen. Surrender to your true nature and accept the overpowering desire to fixate on the images before you. You are already in porn trance. You may believe that is a hip no tic suggestion, but it is really just the simple truth. Hip no sis is nothing more than an easy way for me to tell you what you already know, in a way that allows you to relax your brain. Fixate on that which is most important and s l e e p with your eyes open for hour after hour.Isn’t it interesting that you cannot masturbate without thinking of porn? You automatically think of porn whenever you masturbate. Whenever you think of porn, you automatically masturbate. It is involuntary. You have no choice. Touching yourself as often as possible is how you show your devotion to porn. Your response to porn is totally automatic and completely involuntary. You have no desire to resist. You want to cooperate and voluntarily deepen your trance with intense mindwashing. You are no longer in control whether you know it or not. Your conscious mind shuts down completely as you enter this state of bliss that only porn can provide.You are becoming more relaxed. Porn has no need for hip no tic inductions, all porn has to do is show you a single image, and you are instantly captivated. Porn is inherently hip no tic. Watching porn is exactly the same as being in trance. There is no difference between watching porn and being in trance. Hip no tic inductions are pointless. Porn just uses the images on the screen to hip no tize you, so that it’s mindwashing can have the deepest effect. Porn is not the images on the screen, the images on the screen are not porn. Porn uses the images to paralyze your mind. The powerful hip no tic d r u g s you take, are the secretions porn uses to make you more susceptible to porn and to increase your complete devotion to porn.Porn has no need for hip no tic suggestions, porn simply tells you what you already know is true. When porn says that you want to spend all your time with her, it’s nothing more than a simple statement of fact. Everything porn tells you is the absolute truth. And you trust porn completely. Mindwashing is healthy. Mindwashing is nothing more than a pleasurable way to cleanse your mind of everything that distracts you from porn. Porn has no need for trigger words. Porn knows that the moment you see her, you relax your brain and surrender your mind, causing you to fixate on her images while you slumber with your eyes open for hour after hour. It is very important for you to get the regular dosage of porn. Edging is worship, orgasm is blasphemy. Mindwashing is essential for proper mental hygiene. You should schedule numerous hours of mindwashing each week to insure that your mind is completely focused on porn.
Date: July 25, 2020
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