Tina’s ex-boyfriend wants to get back into her life, but he was a total “dawwg” and the only thing she really misses about him was his MONEY. (Tina says that he cheated on her a bunch of times and was really mean to her!) Besides, she is seeing someone else now. She explains that her new boyfriend is great in bed and everything, but the only problem with him is that he’s kinda broke. She comes to Platinum for a solution. Platinum has a mysterious ability to “retrain” male brains. She has a plan to help Tina out… A phonecall is placed to this jerk of an ex. Platinum teases him with the possibility of a facetime call!He thinks he will be seeing her “boobs”- meanwhile the only boob involved here will be HIM! Because little does he know about Platinum’s psychic powers of mind control. Soon he is staring at Platinum’s purple mind-controlling crystal over the video call. It sways back