Ah. Right, sure! Therapy will totally cure you. Cure you of your ADDICTION TO ME. Think again, addict. Shrinks and therapists don't get the textbook that says "how to cure addictions to goddesses." Where will you even start? By explaining your addiction. They'll never understand. Imagine the talk in the staff room as she mocks you of your addiction. Knowing full well she cannot cure you. But will take you on for her own personal amusement. Quit it, slave, you belong to me, and so does that wallet of yours, ill not have it wasted on such. I am your WORLD. Use a mark up code for me : WEAKAF = 50% EXTRAWEAKAF = 100% BANKRUPTME250 = 250% BANKRUPTME500 = 500% BANKRUPTME1000 = 1000%#Addiction, #Female Domination, #Findom Addiction, #Goddess Worship, #Manipulation, #Manipulatrix, #Mental Domination, #Mind Fuck, #Sensual Domination, #Therapy,
Date: May 3, 2020
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