I practice at home when my neighbor suddenly came up and started to complain about the noise I make. He called me a bitch that made me really angry so I started to hit and kick him. He had to learn the lesson that nobody can talk to me like this especially not a fat motherfucker like him. He was so weak when down to the floor multiple times but I kept saying to him he should stand up and fight like a real man but of course he cant because he aint a man he is just a loser bitch.But if it wasnt enough that I beat him up then I humiliate him way more after that because I make him lay down on the ground and I show him my strong and nice muscles and I tell him how much of a loser he is because a woman is stronger than him. After that I sit on his back and I make him kiss my feet. In the end I make him worship my biceps and my strong legs for all the punches and kicks he got :)