Someone is due for a scolding - because I am NOT happy with you. I just got off the phone with boyfriend who told me all the mean things youve been saying to him... and I am very disappointed. You cant be this possessive over me and go to the great lengths of trying to ruin EVERY relationship that I get into! It isnt healthy. You and I have a very special relationship and that will never change! You will NOT continue to homewreck your MOTHER in this way... I assure you - NOTHING will change. SO - I scold you, and assure you that, just as long as you ask politely for some of your MOTHERs attention bb, thats allll you have to do. Now, if you promise me that you will stop homewrecking me... Im happy to give you some of that attention right now. JUST to prove to you, that itll be me and you forever. Mom & Son forever. Alright?